Why are you doing this?

"There’s an intrinsic value in creating something for the sake of creating it." — Rodney Mullen

Well, I think Mr. Mullen already answer it, but if you want more context, I'm interested in how programming languages work and how they're implemented. Bob Nystrom got me started with his book Crafting Interpreters. It's very accessible for begginners, gave it a try. Hope Lit's codebase can help you in your journey as well.

Is Lit for real?

If "for real" means "the next hot language on Hacker News", production ready, with a lot of tools, support, etc: definitely no.

If "for real" means if I take this language serious and want keep it nice, clean, without bugs: yep, it is.

Does Lit run in X platform?

"It works on my machine" - Every developer ever

Currently Lit has one user (me o/), so it is tested only on my machine. I should work everywhere Crystal runs, so... most UNIX systems.

How can I contribute?

Last updated

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